I admit to having a problem. I have a video game addiction. I blame Atari, Activision’s Pitfall Harry, and sci-fi books for the beginnings of my addiction add playing dungons and dragons a few years later. This  has turned me into a 40 something with grown children who loves to play RPG’s  (sometimes with said children).




My passion has grown to collecting  vintage RPG’s and modding my games as well. I mean who doesn’t love a good drama that you can control the ending of. Or being within a story and seeing through the eyes of the main character and controlling it instead of just watching. So a new part of my blog will be about my adventures in playing these games, mods created both by myself and others, and thoughts on what could be changed within the game or ideas for new games. I may also point out some fan fiction writers I enjoy reading. I was amazed at the amount of talented writers who offer their wares free for the reading.

My lastest obsessions have been with the following games:

Dragon Age

Dragon Age Awakenings

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3

and the upcoming Dragon Age Inquistion.




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